
SuiteCRM is hosted online, for best results we recommend using the Google Chrome browser

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The EngageCRM UK Team

EngageCRM UK started as an internal solution for Green Labyrinth. As a growing business, Green Labyrinth needed a solution that was cost-effective, secure, yet flexible enough for us to customise and automate our employer and student sign-up processes.
With our expertise in cloud hosting, MySQL, PHP and more. SuiteCRM delivers the perfect open-source solution for education organisations to have a centralised system to manage rapid growth.

EngageCRM UK began hosting and supporting SuiteCRM and WordPress websites for clients in 2011. Since our launch, we have successfully implemented solutions for multiple clients of all sizes in the public and private sectors.

Our Services include:


Implementation & Consultation
Online User Support
Online/Onsite User Training
System Administrator
Advanced Workflow - WOLF
Advanced Dashboard - Grafana
Bespoke Development & Integrations
Data Cleansing and GDPR-compliant data supply


Website Hosting
Website implementation and customisations
Online User Support
Online/Onsite User Training

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with

Our Terms & Conditions

Please see our terms and conditions

What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management

It is a system, normally hosted online that helps to centralise, automate and manage an organisation's data processes to improve their response time and grow relationships with new and existing clients!

CRM helps you analyse and report on client data better. From the beginning of the customer journey with marketing sources e.g. your website or social media accounts, all the way through to the final sale and integrating with your invoicing systems like XERO and others.

Example Scenario
Have you ever visited a website and completed a "Contact Us" webform, then immediately received a thank you email?

There is likely a CRM in the background! The form on the website will send your data to the CRM where your data is stored.
The CRM may have a "Workflow" (automatic trigger) to send you the email notification.

CRM gives your marketing > sales team a seamless, automated way to process new "Leads" that come into your organisation


What is SuiteCRM?

SuiteCRM is an online software application that is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) developed and maintained by SalesAgility. It is a free and open-source alternative application. It was released on October 21, 2013.

SuiteCRM has been downloaded over 1 million times since the original release. It has been adopted by NHS (National Health Service) England’s Code for Health programme which seeks to foster open source in the NHS in England.

The SuiteCRM project has stated that every line of code released by the project will be open source.
SuiteCRM project is intended to be an enterprise-class open-source alternative to proprietary products like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

What is Grafana?

Grafana is an online software application that connects to SuiteCRM and users can create advanced reports!
Since 2020 EngageCRM UK has been deploying Grafana instances for client SuiteCRM systems to deliver a customised and unique way to display and report the information.

Not only do Grafana dashboards give insightful meaning to data collected from numerous sources, but you can also share the dashboards you create with other team members, allowing you to explore the data together.

With Grafana EngageCRM UK has created hundreds of bespoke reports and dashboards for clients, we have also created some standard dashboards that link to the default SuiteCRM.

Grafana Dashboards include:

Marketing Campaigns
Sales Pipeline
Accounts and Contacts
GDPR Compliance

If you have any questions about Grafana Dashboards please contact

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Tel: 01793 236246
Address: 1 Milton Road, Swindon, SN1 5JE

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